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Colin's Natural Edge Wood Furniture

8th September 2015

Many of you will already be aware that Colin makes furniture out of windfall trees (trees that have blown over after a storm). As a result of Dutch elm disease, the majority of our native elm trees are compromised and therefore particularly prone to the effects to strong winds. To many people, dead elm is not considered to be of much use. Because the trees have a tendancy to develop multiple burls (tumour-like growths), the grain criss-crosses in kaleidoscopic patterns. This makes it very difficult to split for firewood. It is also a very slow burner, not giving off a huge amount of heat. However, to someone like Colin Ritchie, the fluid grain and the rich, warm tones of the wood are exactly what makes it so desirable.

If you need any convincing that Colin really knows his way around a slab of wood, have a look at some of the furniture he has made to date. Each piece is original, bespoke and unique, as no two branches or slabs of wood will ever be the same.



natural edge wood bed  


Detail of Ladder



natural edge wood bed

Colin Ritchie with his Elevated Bed, Shelves and Desk

Detail of Climbing Steps with Finger Holds

natural edge wood bed   natural edge wood bed

Circular Grain Patterns in Elm


Children's Bunk Beds

shleves   natural edge wood chair   child's chair

Elm Shelving


Child's Chair


Child's Chair

shelf   shelf

Elm Shelving


Elm Shelving

mantlepiece and shelves

Over the weekend of 03 - 04 October, Colin will be teaching his Natural Edge Wood Course. If you would like to try your hand at this style of furniture making under the guidance of a true craftsman, then book your place now.

You can also commission your own bespoke piece of furniture. Call Colin on (086) 809 4241.

Copyright 2015, Féile Butler - Mud and Wood


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